Some straightforward statements, predictions, and reveals by the great Sandy Munro.
What company will win the EV battle: Tesla. Perhaps not a big surprise, but it is highly interesting to listen to the reasoning behind this. But who is going to be no. 2 - maybe a surprise! And what about the EV chargers - a very clear answer too!
Product design and manufacturing play an important role in our “new normal” and new age of business.
Where does Sandy want to go - a busy schedule for the coming months, but also a wish for a European visit.
We have in the US and Europe been outsourcing and offshoring manufacturing for decades, but there is a big change happening.
And will Sandy ever attempt to star in any movies, after the success with YouTube - well, hear his answer in the podcast episode.
We got technology working, but then had some issues again…well, you get the “imperfection” as part of this podcast.
I hope you as a listener enjoy this as much as I did talking with Sandy Munro.
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